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by Rachel Goddard

July 31st, 2018

The Silver Lining To GDPR

We are now over two months on from GDPR and thankfully the world has not ended! The media attention, scaremongering and panic caused by the new legislation was unprecedented, despite, or perhaps because of, the amount of uncertainty surrounding it.

We recently attended a GDPR seminar kindly hosted by Andrew Jackson Solicitors and were pleased to hear words of reassurance from their team. More clear guidance is on its way and the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) knows it needs to provide more clarification.

So, post the 25th May, what are our words of reassurance when it comes to marketing?

Don’t be disheartened if your marketing database has significantly reduced

It is far better to have a smaller, engaged and active database than a large, inactive, uninterested one – remember, it’s quality over quantity! View it as a good spring clean that has allowed you to remove your cold contacts.

Keep your database engaged

Now that you’ve got a high-quality database, it’s important to keep them engaged with your brand. Creating and distributing regular, relevant and informative content will ensure you remain front of mind with your audience and help to position you as an expert in your field.

Don’t be afraid to grow your database

GDPR doesn’t mean people have stopped wanting to receive great content, whether that’s blogs, guides, special offers or latest news. Keep your sign-up options visible on your website and other collateral and, as long as you’re clear about what people will be receiving, your database will soon start to grow with active customers who want to hear from you.

Make the most of your social media

Don’t forget social media is a great way to communicate with your audience and start conversations! LinkedIn is a brilliant platform for business-to-business marketing – sharing regular, high-quality posts and blog articles is a great way of getting your content out there and in front of the right audience. And of course, Facebook and Instagram are equally powerful tools to grow your consumer audience.

In a world ‘post GDPR’, trust is fast becoming the new currency and that can only be a good thing. Build customer relationships built on trust and the results can only get better!

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