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April 28th, 2020

Launching our Communications Masterclass Video Series!

We are thrilled to announce that we have launched a Communications Masterclass Bite-sized Video Series on YouTube with our friends and colleagues, Michelle Mook, employee engagement specialist, from Pro-Development and Nat McMillan, former CEO and HR specialist, from McMillan and Associates HR Ltd.

Ensuring that you have good communication with your employees is key at any time, however it is especially important during a crisis. Over the past few weeks, we have noticed that there has been a plethora of advice about financial support available for businesses, however, there has been less information about communications with employees.

The bite-sized videos feature Rachel, Michelle and Nat sharing their expertise and advice on topics such as furloughing, wellbeing, employee engagement and leadership during the Coronavirus pandemic.

The series will be shared on our YouTube channel, LinkedIn and Twitter. You can make sure you keep up to date with the series by subscribing to our YouTube channel here, so you can receive notifications when the videos are uploaded.

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